Institute Respublica within the Ukrainian initiative “Active Community” took part in the “Follow the money”  campaign together with the Civic movement «Chesno». The campaign started on August 1, 2015, and was presented in 25 cities of Ukraine.


The main goal was to involve citizens in monitoring the involvement and use of finances of political parties in the election campaign.

The campaign achieved the following results:

    1. The number of citizens in the campaign was more than 12 000 people.
    2. The number of citizens who signed a petition to encourage deputy and mayor candidates to report on the use of funds in the election campaign 2015 was 9315 people.
    3. The number of declarations of public promulgation of funds used in the election campaign and the number of published data signed by deputies: 1202 declarations signed and 1138 reports published. 94,7% done.
    4. The number of declarations of public disclosure of funds used in the election campaign and the number of printed data signed by the mayors: 143 declarations signed and 117 reports published. 81,8% done.
    5. In the framework of the project 31 forums and 30 training were held, which were attended by 1,508 participants. Besides, 3 training on the topic «Deputy’s Financial Reporting and public control» for newly elected deputies (total – 98 pers.) were organized.
    6. Also, a «Hunter on advertising» mobile application had launched during the campaign.

Project coordinator from the Institute: Vitaly Hlizhynskyy, project manager.

Project Manager: Vita Dumanska, Center UA.