Institute Respublica (IR) was created in 1997 as a socio-analytical center. The founder is human rights activist, freedom of peaceful assemblies classic Volodymyr Chemerys. Experts of the Institute developed a draft law “On status capital of Ukraine – Kyiv ” adopted by Verkhovna Rada in 1997. That same year, President Leonid Kuchma vetoed the law.
1998 – 2000. Institute formulated and proposed the idea to the public and government about necessity of changing the system of political, social and economic relations in the country and the necessity of transition to a parliamentary republic in Ukraine.
Institute became one of the ideological center of the new democratic movement in Ukraine and leading human rights organization in the country.
2000-2001. IR became the basis for the movement “Ukraine without Kuchma” which was sent to the resignation of President Ukraine Leonid Kuchma. The action was supported by 24 political parties and NGOs.
2001. IR implemented the project “Law against abuse of power” (civil rights of young people regarding the free expression of their views and prevent political repression by the authorities).
From 2001 Institute specializes in the rights of citizens to peaceful assembly as a primary means to defend any civil rights.
Institute began a systematic monitoring observing the right to freedom of assembly. During several years the Institute has published a number of publications related to human rights, namely: “I have a right” (on the rights of students), “Case 9 March” (on the first political prisoners in independent Ukraine).
2002. IR carried the project “Partnership for Reform in Ukraine” in the framework of the Freedom house. Institute initiated the creation of the first in Ukraine Commission on journalistic ethics and national journalism organization – Alternative Union of Journalists of Ukraine.
2003. IR released on the screens documentary “Faces of protest” about the social causes of action “Ukraine without Kuchma”.
Also the Institute began to publish regular reports on the right to peaceful assembly in Ukraine.
In 2004, the Institute became one of the founding members of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union.
2005. Institute Resoublica in coalition with other human rights organizations from the public sector for the first time developed a draft law of Ukraine “On freedom of assembly”, which was submitted to the Verkhovna Rada deputy of V. Musiyaka, but the law was not accepted.
2005-2012. Volodymyr Chemerys was the Council commissioner of the Public Affairs of Ukraine on Human Rights on freedom of assembly.
2006 – 2013. IR actively protects in Ukrainian and international courts right to peaceful assembly. Also it insisted on cancellation of several local “Regulations on rallies and demonstrations” that did not correspond to the law.
2010. Institute initiated a collection of signatures under an appeal to President Obama demanding pay compensation to the family of the deceased 2003 in Iraq Ukrainian journalist Taras Protsiuk.
In 2011 upon the initiative of Institute Respublica it was established a coalition of NGOs Nationwide initiative “For a peaceful protest”. In general initiative conducted 40 public event, collected more than 15 thousand signatures for a petition to the President and the Supreme Council of Ukraine for the Protection of the right to peaceful assembly.
In 2012 All-ukrainian Civic Association “Institute Republica” was established.
2013 – 2014. Euromaidan.
Experts and activists of Institute Respublica took part in the events of Revolution of Dignty – Euromaidan.
- IR almost round the clock monitored the situation in the regions and provide counseling, legal aid to activists.
- Most of the coordinators of IR participated in the coordination of Maidan Public Councils in Ukraine.
- Institute brought together social movements and organizations on Maidan for joint efforts and coordination. It was created Maidan Public Councils as a result.
- IR conducted informational campaign of telling the truth about events at the square.
- Provided legal advice to citizens.
- Conducted 11 trainings, 2 congresses of Initiative “For a peaceful protest”, 2 press conference and became co-organizer of the Forum of Euromaidans ( Kyiv, 1-2 February 2014).
As a results of developments in the Euromaidan IR created printed edition Our news in May 2014.
2015. All-ukrainian Initiative “Active Community” was started.
In partnership with the Movement “Chesno” implemented nationwide campaign “Follow the money”.
IR started the project “Monitoring of implementation legislation on lustration in Ukraine”.
IR started nationwide campaign “Roadmap for the Government”.
2016. In partnership with the Civil Society Institute launched nationwide campaign “Successful Community” to promote the decentralization reform in Ukraine.
Sines March 2016 IR become the member and national coordinator in the European network of public organizations and movements working with communities European Community Organizing Network (ECON).