Відбулося п’яте публічне обговорення “Всеукраїнський референдум: відкритий діалог з громадянами”.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine together with the National Democratic Institute and the Institute “Respublica” are launching a series of public consultations.
Video of the webinar on ways of cooperation between representatives of the public sector and the media.
How can citizens independently form proposals to local authorities on priority areas of development of their community?
Video of congratulations on the Day of embroidered shirt from representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora and the Armed Forces of Ukraine!
The history of the struggle of Drohobych residents for the preservation of their historical and architectural monument – saltworks.
Запрошуємо долучатися до другої дискусії з 6 запланованих щодо референдуму, яка відбудеться 18 травня.
The results of cooperation between All-Ukrainian initiative “Active Community” of Drohobych and the Initiative Group of the block of flats №4 on Knyagyni Olhy Street.
Most participants in the public consultation do not support changes in the organization of traffic and pedestrian traffic in Koryatovych Square.