The method of the public theater became the basis of the project.
The mission of the public theater is the formation of mutual understanding in the Ukrainian society in the post conflict phase.
The objective is to return art to the bosom of social practice: to create a platform where art deconstructs the place of dialogue between “hostile” parties.
Average people, non-professional actors perform in the theater.
The Public Theatre is a theater of fast response, telling about hot issues in politics and society. Currently, it creates an alternative platform for understanding between Eastern and Western Ukrainian citizens. Relevance is not instant and does not reflect what was in the news yesterday, but that’s what hurts the viewer today. It is interesting to think about these pain points in the theater.
Created in Ukraine the Public Theatre offers to solve existing problems of misunderstanding at the regional, vertical and local levels in Ukraine in two ways:
• as a platform for the analysis of current social, political, economic and cultural problems of Ukrainian society in order to find ways of effective solution;
• as a platform for involving citizens in socio-political, socio-economic and cultural processes in Ukraine.
Two performances – “Tree of Life” (in Kyiv in the Kurbas Center) and “Grey Zone” (Zaporizhzhya) were prepared and performed in 2014-2015. Performances were based on real stories of eyewitnesses of the events of the Revolution of dignity, military operations in the ATO area and problems of IDPs.
In 2016 three performances “There is no place for democracy” were staged in Uzhgorod, Horishni Plavni and Mariupol.