“We aim to increase the involvement of citizens in decision-making at the local level and participation in the reform process in Ukraine”


громада-активна“Active Community” is a large block of Institutes Respublica activities.

Initiative aims to involve citizens into local decision-making and discussion on reforms process in Ukraine. The idea of the initiative is to give the citizens of Ukraine the knowledge and skills to address the urgent needs of their localities

The Project is implemented in 15 cities and  2 villages of Ukraine.

Each of 15 communities have already have 2-3 success stories. The issues to solve were defined by community members: beautification & gardening, creation of sports and playgrounds, installation of street lighting, organization of bike lanes & parking lots.

In such a way citizens became more familiar with human rights, national legislation and local issues.

“We always focus our attention on working with people not previously involved in community organizations, their public education, involving into dialogue with the authorities and civil society”

From April to December 2015 Initiatives coordinators have achieved the following results:

  1. They spent hundreds of steps to resolve local problems and attracted 15,567 residents to participate in this process.
  2. They formed a group of local activists, numbering about 1,000 persons in Ukraine;
  3. They spent hundreds of meetings (291 out of 326 NGOs and local authorities) and established cooperation with local NGOs and local authorities;
  4. They spent hundreds of events (208) to educate citizens on protecting their rights and nuances of active reforms in Ukraine;
  5. They have distributed tens of thousands of educational materials and newspapers Our news among citizens;
  6. They participated in national companies.

The initiative is continuing its activities and has formed strategic plans by 2020.

Project Manager: Oleksandra Skyba, Deputy Chairman of the Institute.

Project coordinators:

Vinnytsia region:Христина Дідик(Vinnitsa); Андрій Сільченко (Jmerinka)
Donetsk region: Володимир Орос , Тамара Бельська (Dobropillya)
Zaporizhzhia: Анна Єрьоменко
Kiev region:  Юрій Соломко, Олександр Іванічек
Kirovograd: Олександр Гліжинський 
Lutsk: Юлія Ютовець
Poltava region :
Лариса Мельник (Zinkiv),
Володимир Дмитренко (Komsomolsk);

Odessa region: Андрій Коновалов (Yuzhne)

Ternopil: Рустам Єргешов
Uzhgorod: Микола Яцков

Kherson region:
Валентина Пономаренко (Skadovsk)

In addition to the processes of self-organization within  “Active Community”are  implementing the following projects:

Успішна Громада

Successful Community


Follow the money


Roadmap to the government